Healthy Heart

After my brother’s recent sudden cardiac arrest, I have invested in a full cardiac work up to identify possible risks I might be facing.  I have had one treadmill EKG, one static echocardiogram, one treadmill echocardiogram, and one treadmill nuclear imaging test. I wore a loop recorder for 24 hours, have been measuring my blood pressure every day for two months (charted above) and have had my blood work done twice. Today I met with my cardiologist for the results. This type of medicine is cheap for low advertisements. cipla cialis india is providing lots of ads for getting the market in the competitive world. viagra cheapest price Value support packages can be purchased for first-generation students. Therefore if viagra without prescription usa you have been warned by the heart burn symptom then take it seriously and they let it go untreated. Fennel Seed contains viagra on line a compound called phytoestrogen that has mild estrogen like properties. Drum roll please….. I have a healthy heart with no detected anomalies in structure or electrical function and good blood profusion to the heart muscles.  My average blood pressure is in an acceptable range (136/82) and my ejection fraction is 65%.  I do have high cholesterol which I will attempt to regulate with more exercise and better diet before considering other alternatives.