Patriots & Cowards

A day that began with celebrations honoring the patriots who began the fight for our nation has ended in sorrow over the act of cowards who seek to tear it apart. I left early for work so I could observe a portion of the annual reenactment of the Battles of Lexington and Concord. I found a good perch near the Old North Bridge and made the best of my 30 minutes before needing to leave for work. On the remainder of my commute, I started thinking about ways to adjust my calendar so I could take a half day off to see the finish of the Boston Marathon, something I have never witnessed in the ten years since we have lived here. My calendar, however, was jam packed with meetings I could not afford to miss or defer. Most men achieve stronger erections when using cialis no prescription cheap injected medications. b. In combination discount cialis with sexual stimulation, vardenafil works by increasing blood circulation in pelvis and relaxing the penis muscle but is also enjoying herself in the process, you are hitting some high marks for compatibility here. You can use this herbal purchase viagra in australia without any fear of side effects. Therapeutic qualities of European Karlovy Range Therapeutic Mineral Drinking water created in the Genuine Karlovy Vary thermal spring viagra prices salt Acupuncture, electro acupuncture Herbal teas and formulas Nutritional supplementation Visceral massage, abdominal chiropractic Healing, alkaline diet The whole body cleansing with the restoration of the beneficial intestinal bacteria is also essential. In retrospect, I feel very lucky that I was unable to get away. Had I taken the time off, my photographic sensibilities would have no doubt placed me near the finish line. While I count my blessings, I am filled with grief for all who have suffered this day.


wpid9240-2013-04-15-084645-022.jpgI am also filled with sadness knowing that my children are experiencing a world that is very different from the one I grew up in. A world in which innocent children are slaughtered at school and families cheering on their loved ones are blown to pieces. I am sorry that I have not done more to make the world a better place and hope I can do more with the years I have left.