Florida Bound


My soccer season came to an abrupt end this morning when my right calf muscle gave out again, this time with that distinct popping sound that indicates a severe tear. We were leading by a margin of 2-0 at the start of the second half when it happened. I watched from the opposite sideline as we went on to win 3-1, unable to walk to the other side of the field where my team was standing. After the game, my teammates retrieved my car and carried me to it. I spent the rest of the day icing the injury and sulking before I had to leave for a flight to Tampa, Florida for a business meeting. I borrowed one of Nicolai’s forearm crutches, without which I could not take more than a few steps. http://abacojet.com/contact-us/ get levitra This drug does not need to be protected when they are being used online. All 3 drugs should be taken about an buy viagra without consultation hour or so time. They have a direct or a roundabout connection to the impotency issue of the man. abacojet.com cheapest levitra Each and every time a person goes through stress because of it, http://abacojet.com/hello-world/ viagra levitra cialis but his personal life also gets affected by it. I have a new appreciation for just how tough Nico’s life is both physically and emotionally. At the airport a vendor was handing out free samples of ice cream to all that passed by. When I approached he dropped his eyes and turned away. On the flip side, many people went out of their way to accommodate my obvious challenge including a colleague I was travelling with who was kind enough to locate a wheelchair and push me in it. We joined our boss for a very nice dinner in the bar of our Clearwater hotel. The pain in my calf kept me up most of the night.