Wish Do


I came across this graphic on the blog of a fellow adventure traveller.  I generally only post my own photographs here, but this image so succinctly sums up my philosophy on life that I was moved to include it here. I used a reverse image look up to see if I could identify and credit its creator. Apparently countless others have also felt compelled to republish this graphic and it was not possible for me to determine where it originated.
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UPDATE:  With the help of former colleague, good friend, and internet search guru, Mukund Srinivasan, I was able to find the source of inspiration for this image.  It comes from the book From Within I Rise by T. F. Hodge who wrote “Don’t wish…DO! Don’t try…BE! Don’t think…KNOW!” I also was able to determine that there are many variations on this graphic design including a commercially available wall decal (LINK)