Driving Iceland

Iceland Photo Locations

I spent the entire day processing photos from my trip to Iceland and thought I would share a few more related to my driving experiences on the island. Pictured above is a map of where I took photos (minus the first three days before I enabled GPS tagging on my first camera and minus the first seven days on my second camera). If you plan to visit anything off the main Ring Road (i.e. most of the good stuff) you will absolutely need a high ground clearance 4×4.  Even the main roads have sections which are gravel.  Most of the secondary roads are gravel and any road number starting with an “F” is restricted to 4 wheel drive vehicles.  Many of them are only suitable for the so-called super jeeps (normal jeep on steroids). The higher you go in altitude the worse the roads get. I rented the Subaru below which served me very well.

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Iceland has as many waterfalls as Minnesota has lakes. For every waterfall there is either a bridge to cross or a stream to ford. 90% of all bridges are one lane and you are as likely to share it with livestock as with another motorist (first come, first served in both cases).

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Before fording a stream it is best to get out and make a thorough inspection. I made great use of my waders to check depth before crossing.

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When crossing over mountain passes visibility is often reduce to 10 or 20 feet as you literally drive through the clouds which are often present.

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Falling rock zones are to be taken VERY seriously. The rocks pictured below were not on the road when I passed this way 1 hour earlier.

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I drove a total of just over 2,000 miles during my ten day visit and managed to avoid any serious incidents. I would not, however, describe it as a stress free experience.