Man Down

2015-10-31 135639 008

Followers of this blog will know that my soccer team has had a rather difficult fall season after winning the spring season championship. This morning (at 8am after a 1 hour drive to Mansfield) we played FUFC Gray which has already secured a first place finish for the season. My team finally played up to our potential and we were leading 2-0 with minutes to go in the first half when one of our best players was red-carded leaving us a man short for the entire second half. It was all we could do to hang on for a 2-2 tie. If we retain the poise and passion we showed today during our final match next weekend we stand a good chance of avoiding relegation to Division 2.

I treated Maya to a 3D showing of The Martian after returning to Concord. I knew she would love the movie and really wanted to be the one to take her to it. With strong female characters and a focus on science, I am hoping she drew as much inspiration from it as I did. No time for a photo today so I am posting an additional one from my outing yesterday.