Wahweep Hoodoos

The Wahweep Hoodoos have long been on my bucket list and conditions were good to make the 11 mile hike.  The trail head is just outside of Big Water and dumps you into the Wahweep Creek Wash which you follow all the way to the hoodoos. During the course of the day the only other living creatures I saw were long eared rabbits (scaring the shit out of me every time they darted out of the brush) and the coyotes that hunt them.

The hike up the creek wash (a quarter of a mile wide in some places) was relatively easy and beautiful in its own right.

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After a couple of hours you arrive at what has been nick named Hoodoo Central, an area with dozens of hooddoos in all shapes and sizes. 

The self-timer on my camera will only go up to 10 seconds. The shot below required a full sprint to get into the frame and took more than one attempt to get right.  I wanted to give a sense of scale to the hoodoos.

I could have spent hours photographing but wanted to get back to civilization before sunset.  The nights here are about as dark as you have ever seen and I did not like the way the coyotes had been looking at me all day.