Kyle’s Personal Credo

It was a cold November morning when I arrived at soccer practice fifteen minutes late. To avoid extra running as punishment, I sprinted around the field and stealthily joined a group of my friends in a passing circle. They greeted me and asked “Hey man what’s going on, you have missed the last three practices, and now you’re showing up late?” “My parents are making me do this stupid coming of age thing for church,” I replied. “What’s that and what religion is it for?” they asked. I mumbled back “Unitarian Universalism.” “So what do you believe in?” they inquired. I thought a little and stumbled over some words and finally said, “We believe in whatever we want to.” The group teased me about it and practice went on as usual.

After this experience I realized I had almost no idea about what I believed in and decided it was a question worth answering.

I began to identify spiritual beliefs I could embrace as my own and to separate them from other beliefs I knew were not right for me. The first thing I realized was that I did not believe in any form of God or after life. At the same time, I concluded that science alone could not explain the beauty of nature, the cycle of life and death, the amazing human body, or our place in an infinite and mysterious universe.

I believe people have souls that are revealed through their relationships with each other. I believe there are spirits in nature that are revealed through beauty. I believe that everyone is born with a gift; a single precious life wrapped in a beautiful body. This gift is amazing but fleeting and I believe we must strive to live life to the fullest and make the most of every moment.

I then asked myself what makes for a life well lived. Is it by dying a rich man? Is it by creating a loving family? Is it by becoming famous? Is it by building enduring friendships or is it by helping the less fortunate?

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First: I cherish my family. I love my mother, father, brother, sister and our dog. I love my relatives and one day hope to create and nurture my own loving family.

Second: I value my friends. True friends who I can have a good time with and who are there for me when I need them, not because they have to be, but because they want to, knowing that I will be there for them as well.

Third: I want to help others. Living a fulfilling life for me will mean helping others to do so as well. I want to know that my life will have had a positive impact on the world after I have left it.

Fourth: I believe the Earth is sacred. I must fight to protect the environment so my children and their children will one day be able to enjoy it as I have.

Fifth: I want to live with integrity. I value loyalty, so I will be a good friend; I value wisdom so I will be a good student and learn from my mistakes, I value justice and equality so I will treat all people fairly and with respect.

Finally: I want to have fun. I want to explore the corners of the globe, play in a rock concert to thousands of screaming fans, parachute from an airplane, and score a goal in the World Cup. I want to live with no regrets.

I may never become a famous musician or soccer player, and I may fall short of attaining some of my goals, but I believe I will have lived fully if I never stopped reaching for them.

If you see a loving family and group of true friends gathered at my funeral remembering me as a fun loving, caring person, who made a difference in the world, my spirit will be at peace.