Olin Visit

Following my big birthday celebration yesterday, it was a little difficult rolling out of bed for an 8AM soccer match. Happily my tweaked hamstring from two weeks ago has healed and I managed to play the entire match without further aggravation, even managing an assist on one of our 4 goals. My team is on a real streak, having won our last 15 matches without surrendering a single goal. With half the season remaining we are now solidly in first place. I returned home in time to bid farewell to my visiting sister, mother and sister-in-law and then to spend time teaching my nieces to fly one of my drones. Above is a dronee taken by Sophia before my brother and his family traveled to Olin with Jeanine and I to visit Maya. She gave a tour of the campus leaving all the engineers in the family wishing they could go back to school and her young nieces with a glimpse of what a future in college might look like.
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