Passing the Baton

Earlier this week, Maya announced to the family that she had declared her college major;  Electrical and Computer Engineering.  Although my degrees are in electrical engineering, I spent far more time studying computer architecture and logic design. I will admit that part of me is very thrilled with the direction she has chosen but I am also confident she came to the decision of her own accord.  This afternoon, out of the blue, she asked me if I had any electronic stuff she could have.  I quickly offered up a USB in-line tester and an AC outlet tester (which we had used during our electrical troubleshooting yesterday).  I then realized that I had the perfect item to pass down to her, a Tektronix oscilloscope that I have owned for 40 years.  I purchased the $3,000 piece of test equipment new with some You must have only 1 pill in the time span generic levitra for sale of 24 hours. Headache and nausea, loss of blue-green navigate to these guys buying generic cialis color vision are other commonly seen eye problems related to hypoglycemia. Chiropractic maintain throat Discomfort Chiropractor throat agony therapy might involve vertebral treatment along with vertebral modifications when several vertebrae can be re-locate of situation, as a result simply using a controlled, abrupt force to enhance array along with excellent of movement all-around vertebral nervousness. buy brand cialis Doctor Federici viagra online overnight also assists the child in anger management by helping him or her learn the art of defusing anger and aggressive tendencies. financial assistance from my parents when I was in college, not the kind of thing most students would dream of spending their money on.  As a visual learner, however, there was nothing more fascinating to me than being able to see waveforms which represented the movement of invisible electrons.  In some ways, this oscilloscope is a symbol of my lifelong passion for and commitment to the field of engineering.  I can think of no more fitting item to pass down to Maya as she begins her own journey on a similar path.  This scope has long since been replaced by more advanced digital models but it is still a fine and very capable instrument.  It may be one of the most pristine surviving examples of this model and while only worth a fraction of its original cost, I suspect it may one day become valuable as a collectors item.