New England MVP

Nicolai has just been named the New England Revolution Community MVP. With this honor, Major League Soccer will donate $1,000 to the charity of his choice (the American Amputee Soccer Association) and will fly him and a companion to the MLS All-Star game in Orlando, Florida where the National MVP will be announced. Should he win that honor they will donate an additional $25,000 to the AASA. This would have a transformative impact on the organization and allow the US National Amputee Soccer Team to compete and train more frequently in preparation for the next World Cup.


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Voting for the winner begins today and will end on July 31st at 2PM. Anyone interested in voting for the National MVP may cast three votes per day through the end of the contest.

  1. Vote Online @
  2. Vote by tweeting the following (or a version that includes the correct hashtags and handle tags): Nicolai Calabria, captain of the U.S. Men’s Amputee Soccer Team is the @NERevolution’s finalist for the 2019 @MLSWORKS #CommunityMVP contest presented by @WellsFargo for his involvement with @USAmputeeSoccer and work in the adaptive and amputee soccer community. RETWEET this tweet to help win $25K for charity or visit to vote.
  3. Vote by retweeting the above tweet.

Every single vote will count and each individual can contribute up to 42 votes. I would be most thankful if you could support Nico and the AASA by voting as often as possible and by spreading this message through your social networks.