A Season Like No Other

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This morning my soccer team traveled to Nashua, NH for a pre-season scrimmage. Masks were mandatory off the field and optional on the pitch. I chose to wear an N95 mask at all times out of an abundance of caution. I did not feel as bad as I thought I would, given how out of shape I am right now. We used a 3 man rotation for the two wing-midfield positions which meant I could rest for 1/3 of the match. Our opponents scored in the first minute which did not exactly get things started on the right foot. We did not panic and methodically scored four unanswered goals of our own for the win. I had one shot on goal, a rocket from 25 yards to the upper left corner. Their diving goalie managed to get a few fingertips on it, enough to deflect it into the crossbar. Despite wearing a mask and all the modified rules meant to increase player separation, it felt great to be on the field playing again.