Dugan Brook Wetlands

A more perfect fall day I have never enjoyed more. It started as most spring and autumn Sundays do for me with a soccer match. We were at home playing Ashland, a team that was talented but not very fit. After thirty minutes, we started to score and just kept on going as they wore down leading to a final result of 7-0. On the way home, I paused for some aerial photography. Pictured above are the Dugan Brook wetlands that border the west side of our neighborhood and provide the backdrop for the Bruce Freeman Tail Trail that traverses the area. Later, Jeanine and I met with new neighbors in Conantum, where are new home is located. They took as for a walk through the neighborhood introducing us to other residents and sharing invaluable information on the homeowners association, renovation, architecture, landscaping, the Sudbury River, and the animals that frequent the area.