Morton’s Toe

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You can tell if you have Morton’s toe just by looking at your foot. If your second toe projects out farther than your big toe, you’ve got it. A study of American college students found that 45.7% of men had longer second toes. Other populations report the frequency to be less than 10% for this hereditary feature. Research suggests that Morton’s toe may even be an advantage in athletics. A 2004 study comparing professional athletes to non-athletes found that professional athletes tended to have Morton’s toe more frequently than non-athletes. Toe length aside, this post is about the passage of time. The bruise under my big toenail has been growing out since December when a heavy piece of deconstruction debris fell on my cuticle. There is a good reason why professionals wear steel-toed boots when doing this kind of work. I estimate it will take another 3 or 4 months before it has grown out completely.