Bronze Finish

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The motivation for my trip to Iceland and the Faroe Islands was an international over-60 5v5 soccer tournament billed as the World Cup by its organizers being held in Copenhagen. Unfortunately, of the 26 countries that had planned to come, only a fraction could attend the twice rescheduled tournament due to Covid restrictions in their respective countries. My team represented the USA and we won 2, tied 2, and lost 2 which was good enough for a third-place finish. Considering this is the first time any of us have ever competed in this format it was not a bad result. In one match, we were up 2-0 and earned a “blue card” for not gaining the referee’s attention before an on-the-fly substitution (one of the different rules that apply to 5v5). This cost us a 2-minute penalty which left us a player down during which time our opponents easily scored 3 goals which kept us from being in the finals. Losing 1 of 4 field players is a death sentence and all on account of a technicality. I scored once in each of two games and was the second-leading scorer for our team. The first was a loose ball in front of the net and a quick reaction finish. The second was a very nice shot from distance while the goalie was visually shielded. Tomorrow, the format changes to 4v4 (no goalies) and a new tournament will be run. Another set of rules to learn but also another chance to make it to the finals.