Shed Platform

Perhaps the only thing about our Road House that is inadequate is the size of the garage. It is a tight squeeze for two cars with room for little else. In particular, we have no convenient place to store our snowblower, yard tools, and bikes. Yesterday, I ordered an 8’x6′ shed which will arrive unassembled, presumably within 2 to 3 weeks barring any supply chain issues. Given the temperature today was hovering just above the freezing mark and it is not likely to get much warmer any time soon, I decided to fabricate the platform base on which the shed will be mounted. I used 2x4s to fashion a torsion box frame which I skinned with 1/2″ plywood on both sides (screwed and glued). It took me an hour to procure the lumber and 3 hours to complete the project working in the garage and on the driveway. It is as solid as a rock. The next time temperatures favor outdoor work, I will place and level the concrete blocks on which the platform will rest.