Sun and Dust

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Despite using two vacuum cleaners at the same time, it was impossible to capture all of the dust created by a 14″ concrete saw that Kyle and I used today to help remove a slab of concrete in his basement. There were times when you could not see into the next room it was so thick. Before I get scolded by my mother and/or Jeanine, I should clarify that we were both wearing high-performance respirators. We sliced the 4-inch slab every two inches or so and then used a sledgehammer to break it into pieces. Some additional excavation with a demolition hammer followed by a diamond grinder and we were very pleased with the outcome. We also removed a massive cast iron standing sink which involved a little more plumbing work than we initially anticipated. I think it is safe to say that we are both pleased to have these two tasks in our rearview mirror.