Last Legs

Last week I had my annual eye exam which was very uplifting. Apparently, my eyes are the only parts of my body that are improving with age. The severity of my astigmatism has been decreasing over the last couple of years. Given how bad they were to start, that is not saying much. Nevertheless, I will take the win. Suspecting that my prescription had changed, I have been waiting for over 6 months to replace my glasses which are in a sad state of affairs. When I was working at Digital Alloys, I did some metal grinding and the red hot grinding dust hit the surface of my glasses (better the lenses than my eyeballs). This caused the coating on the lenses to begin deteriorating and the result is what you see above. Two weeks ago the nose bridge broke free of one of the lenses and I made a crude repair with a combination of cyanoacrylate glue and epoxy. Today, in a final attempt to cause me grief, one of the nose pads broke off. Fortunately, my new frames and lenses are due to arrive mid-next week.