“A” OK

Ever since my recently purchased Apple Macbook Pro arrived, the “A” key has been finicky. Press anywhere but the upper left-hand corner of the key and all was fine. Hitting that particular spot, however, would result in a missed keystroke. When your name contains four “A”s, five if you count my middle name, it becomes a hassle quickly. This morning, I took my computer to the Apple Store in the Natick Mall to have the issue addressed. I was in and out in 10 minutes and am happy to report that all is AAAAAA OK now. This is probably my first time in a shopping mall since the onset of the pandemic and I was shocked to see how few people were out and about. Perhaps it was just too early in the day (11:30 am). The lack of crowds did make it easy to get this shot of a “Celebration of Spring” exhibit. I was less interested in the display than the interplay of vertical and diagonal lines and shadows.