Aerial Brandeis

While on the way to meet with a client today, I happened to be passing by Brandeis University and was running about 20 minutes ahead of schedule. I decided to stop in for some aerial photography. The last time I visited was in 2012 when Nicolai was here for a campus tour. At the time, I photographed the Usen Castle which consisted of a series of six sections, connected to form an enclosed courtyard. I was entirely surprised and saddened to discover only two of the sections remaining today. Apparently, in 2017, after much of the building was condemned by the city of Waltham, the University demolished Castle Towers C, D and E, and Schwartz Castle to make way for a new residence hall.

Pictured below is an open-air atrium within the Carl Shapiro Science Center which I found to be quite interesting when viewed from directly above.
