Move In Celebration

It has been several weeks since we managed to assemble the whole crew for a meal. Nicolai has been all over the country practicing with his team for the World Cup (just 3 weeks away now), Maya was in quarantine recovering from her second bout of Covid and Kyle was in Las Vegas for a work function. As a bonus, we were joined by Sarinnagh, who is like another member of the family. We were all in Somerville to see Maya’s new apartment, located a few steps away from Union Square. She is sharing the third-floor flat with three friends (two from high school) and is now a short walk away from work. After moving to and from three different states for internships, in and out of her dorm at Olin every year, back and forth to Amsterdam for a term abroad, and in with us while waiting for her lease to start, Maya is really looking forward to settling down for a while. We are thrilled that she choose to remain in Boston.

We learned that Nicolai will be playing an exhibition soccer match in the center of Times Square next Saturday. Other obligations permitting, I may make the drive down with Maya. Meanwhile, Kyle is headed to Cabo, Mexico for another work function next week.