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On the way home from work today I swung by the State House in time to see the Ted Kennedy funeral procession pass by. His body was driven from the Kennedy compound in Hyannisport to the JFK Memorial Library in Boston. The end of the 70 mile journey was through the streets of Boston and the North End which were lined with mourners and respectful onlookers. The crowd erupted in cheers and applause when the hearse, seen here, passed by. Perhaps because I grew up during the years of the Kennedy dynasty (JFK’s assassination is one of my earliest memories), I felt compelled to bear witness and pay my respects to a man who so clearly cared about people and made such a profound impact on social justice. He was not without faults, but no one can deny that he was a great man who will leave behind many great friends and a legacy of legislative leadership that will likely never be matched. Farewell Teddy.

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