The Blue Mosque

Even though many areas are currently under renovation, the Blue Mosque is still an amazingly beautiful example of Ottoman-era architecture. For the shot, I launched my drone from the rooftop terrace of the nearby Sirkeci Mansion where we are staying while in Istanbul.

The primary reason for our visit to Istanbul is to watch Nico compete for team USA in the Amputee World Cup. In our opening match, we faced England, second place finisher in the European championships and a highly regarded side. Cheered on by a small but highly vocal contingent of US supporters, the US managed to better the English squad with a 1-0 result. Nicolai had the assist for the winning goal and just missed what would have been a very pretty goal using a reverse flick (the equivalent of a bicycle kick in amputee soccer,

When the match ended the team’s exuberance was borderline hysterical. The win demonstrated that the US has graduated to a premier level of play. Although our roster is not deep, we have strength in every position. We play Argentina tomorrow and based on how they dismantled Indonesia, I would say we have a very tough match on our hands.