2022 Holiday Card

With all that has transpired this month, I have not had time to create our annual holiday card. I thought I would dedicate this post to a virtual version.

This year has been a most eventful one for the Calabria Clan.

Maya graduated from Olin College with a degree in Robotic Engineering and accepted a position at Formlabs as a Test Engineer. She recently injured her shoulder while mountain biking which has put a damper on her main passions; rock climbing and Latin dancing.

Nicolai took a leave of absence from teaching middle school social studies to train for the 2022 Amputee Soccer World Cup with a qualifier tournament in Mexico and the main event in Istanbul. He captained the team to its best-ever finish and scored 8 goals in 7 games. The entire family traveled to Turkey to watch him play.

Kyle was promoted to Senior Data Engineer at hims & hers where he has been working for almost two years. He has been renovating the basement of his home in Medford, a project which included adding air conditioning and switching from natural gas to all-electric appliances.

After 9 years as Executive Director of Open Table, Jeanine decided it was time to try something new. She timed her resignation so she could attend the World Cup with Nico and become more involved with the River House project. She is also about to publish her first book, “A Taste of Stories.”

I am now semi-retired, working in a part-time consulting capacity for a small number of local high-tech companies. The remainder of my time has been fully consumed with the design and construction supervision of our new home on the Sudbury River. I have also been helping Kyle with his renovation project on most Saturdays.

While in Turkey, Jeanine and I traveled to the Cappadocia, Pamukkale, and Selcuk regions where we enjoyed great hiking and the most amazing geological formations and archeological ruins. Jeanine spent time in Belgium with a long-time friend and I enjoyed some downtime in Puerto Vallarta.

We are thankful that everyone is healthy and happy and wish the same for you and yours in the coming year.