Obsessive Lighting Placement

I spent the entire weekend installing mounting brackets for recessed ceiling light fixtures throughout the River House. It only took about 4 hours for the actual installation. The remaining 12 hours were spent figuring out EXACTLY where I wanted them to go and setting up my laser to locate them precisely. Pictured here is the ceiling of the aviary (Jeanine’s she shed / office). The original lighting plan I developed called for 6 fixtures. I decided to up the total to eight once I was actually in the space. The aviary has the highest ceiling in the house (12 feet at the peak) and light intensity falls off with the square of distance. Therefore the amount of light that falls on a desktop in a 12-foot room is roughly half that you would get in a 9-foot room. In addition to ensuring the proper amount of light, I was obsessed with centering in hallways and with respect to windows and achieving symmetrical ceiling patterns. This is something no one else will ever notice but that will please me ever time I look up at the ceiling.