
Up until today, all work on the River House has been additive. We added a foundation, added framing, added sheathing, added windows, etc. Today, for the first time, the process of subtraction began with the arrival of the plumbing team. They began drilling holes throughout the house for drain and vent pipes. I decided to join them in my capacity as the ventilation system installer. The Zehnder ERV system we are using requires 32 runs of 3″ tubing to various rooms in the house. I completed drilling all the necessary holes today, a task that was as strenuous as it was satisfying. A lot of the work was done overhead which rained down sawdust that found its way into very unexpected places on my body. In several areas, I had to drill a 3-1/4″ hole through a 3-1/2″ wide 2×4. Much harder than it sounds, I was quite pleased with my results as pictured above. Each bore hole had to go through the 2×4 and the 1-1/8 inch flooring below for a total of 2-5/8″ which made for a lot of work, not to mention sawdust.