$1489 Coke

Often combined with a supply run to Home Depot, I usually pick up a fast food lunch on days when I am working at the River House. Eating while driving on the return trip is a good way to get back to work 15 minutes sooner. This is not a practice I can recommend to others. On one such lunch run, I managed to spill a cup of Coke into the center console of my Audi. I could have grabbed it immediately preventing most of the spillage but would have done so at the expense of a collision with oncoming traffic. When it was safe, I pulled over and soaked up as much of the Coke as I could. Another day would pass before I broke out the wash cloth to get rid of the stickiness. I thought nothing more of the incident until today when I learned that a small amount of Coke had entered through the USB charging port in the console and pooled at the base of the charging module where it shorted out the components shown above. I am familiar with these components and I estimate their cost to be in the neighborhood of 12 cents. A replacement for the module from Audi is $250. Labor to take apart and reassemble the center console to access the module is $1150. I love my e-Tron but I am no fan of Audi repair prices.