
One of the key design features of my shop is the oversized exterior door which will allow me to bring in or remove large items like sheet goods and machines as well as to remove completed cabinetry and furniture. The base cabinet carcass for our laundry room pictured above is a perfect example of the need for this capability. I was able to complete it in half a day including the separate base (not pictured). As I drove back to the Road House feeling quite pleased with my progress, I started mentally envisioning how I would move it into the laundry room. No problem getting it out of the shop, no problem getting it back into the house on the first floor. Then it hit me. There is no way this base cabinet will fit through the laundry room door. Not even close. Fortunately, in the five minutes it took to complete my commute, I had developed a plan to cut it into two sections and am confident this will address the challenge.