Two Steps Backward, One Step Forward

Last week, FedEx attempted to deliver two pallets of plywood that I ordered weeks ago. The first pallet was as ordered. The second contained long boxes and not the 4’x8′ sheet goods I was expecting. I accepted the first pallet and rejected the second. Naturally, the missing plywood is what I need to complete the stair railings. The supplier acknowledged the error and is shipping out the correct material but it will probably take several weeks for that to arrive. Since our occupancy permit is gated by the completion of the stair railing, I have opted to proceed using scrap plywood that I will later replace with bamboo. This morning, I built and installed 7 temporary newell posts (three visible in the photo, the remainder are on the floors above and below). I then installed all the balusters for the guard rails on a spacer rail that will hold them in the correct position until I can epoxy them to the lag screw studs in the floor. Once cured, I will replace the spacer rail with a temporary code compliant railing. Next, I will repeat the process for the stair hand rails. On a positive note, I really like the shadow pattern generated by the balusters.