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Kyle models a tie dye shirt of his own crafting. The consensus in the family is that this is the best any of us have ever created. Fortunately for me, Kyle’s muscular physique now requires the same large size that is necessary to drape my fat body giving me yet another piece of clothing I can borrow from him.

Yesterday during my soccer match I had my feet taken out from under me while I was up for a header. I fell flat on my back from a height of about 6 feet, had the wind knocked out of me, and heard enough snap, crackle and pops to make a Rice Krispies commercial. Today my back, neck and shoulders feel better than they have in years. I feel taller, my flexibility has improved dramatically, and the low back pain that has been nagging me for months is totally gone. Although I cannot recommend this form of treatment to others, I am convinced it is the single most effective chiropractic adjustment I have ever received and was well worth the initial 5 minutes of utter agony.

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