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When our kids have friends over to the house they can rest assured that their mother will whip something up for them to eat. In this case, Jeanine prepares brownies for Kyle and his buddies and their girlfriends. I love this about her and hope the children appreciate how lucky they are to have a mom who makes their home so welcoming.

Before his friends arrived, I had an engaging hour long discussion with Kyle on a broad range of subjects. Not so much a father-son chat but rather a great conversation between two adults. We discussed everything from current events (WikiLeaks, nuclear proliferation) to running a business (his experience with Yard Dogs, his new business concepts, my education and which parts apply to my job today) to attributes of a life well lived (remaining healthy, making the world a better place, the relative importance of money) to his emerging interests (computer programming, psychology, game theory). I will long remember this chat and hope he will as well. I look forward to our next one.

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