Waveform Monitor

2011-10-13 174238 339.JPG I picked up this waveform monitor after work today. It was offered up for free on Craig’s List and was right on my way home. I used a very similar model extensively during my early career. This device displays a waveform which represents a video signal and is a key diagnostic tool for evaluating signal quality and compliance with standards (the square wave pictured here was all I had handy to run through it). I cleaned it up and put it through its paces. Some of these are work related stress and strain, consumption of alcohol, taking medicines, etc. levitra vs cialis These medicines work quickly within 30 minutes to 60 viagra professional 100mg minutes, improve blood flow in the male organ and improve erection quality. The doctor may suggest some of the medicines work greatly in this area and Kamagra is one among some selected purchased this cheap canadian viagra medicines show great effects and assist men to get over this traumatic sexual dysfunction. Every https://pdxcommercial.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/149-N-Holly-St-Canby-Flyer.pdf viagra without prescription parent knows the effectiveness of ads on children’s programming. Everything functioned perfectly. The two hours I spent testing took me on something of a technical stroll down Memory Lane right back to the days of Truevision, the company I co-founded. Unlike my more general purpose oscilloscope, however, I have no practical application for this piece of equipment, especially since the world has gone high definition which uses a different signal standard. I put it up on eBay with a starting price of one cent in hopes it will find a good home.