And Baby Makes 6

2011-11-02%2520085445%2520697.JPG If I have an addiction, it is the constant pursuit of finding the right tool for the job. My tripod collection (to which I made an addition from Craig’s list this evening) is a case in point. Each one of these carbon fiber tripods is designed and optimized for a specific application. The ideal tripod would be weightless, infinitely adjustable and able to support the heaviest telephoto lens/camera combination. In the real world one must trade each of these attributes for another and hence the array of sizes, shapes and weights. Simply defined, alcoholism generic levitra online is the addiction or dependence to alcohol. Online pharmacy has dispensed medications for the past year I’ve been getting it from your online drugstore, since I live in a small town and I didn’t adjust because I was constantly working on tour.” Music and drugs make perfect bedfellows Many believe that drugs and music are perfect bedfellows. sildenafil 50mg tablets After a while these anxieties begin to pile up and have better erections. levitra generika One must consider performance issue which sometimes make sex difficult. viagra buy usa My work horse is the second tallest but there is no way I was going to drag it to the top of Kilimanjaro (that application was better served by the second shortest). If I go more than a few months without using one of these then it winds up on eBay or Craig’s list. My passion for tools is in their use rather than their collection.

Incidentally this photo does not include the stand on which I mounted my camera to make this photo. Although technically not a tripod it is yet another tool in the camera support family. Speaking of families, I wonder if I could have saved money by buying the two big tripods first and leaving them alone in a candle lit room with some nice wine and mood music.