
2012-04-06 164712 105.jpg

2012-04-06 170430 165.jpg Photographing a muskrat is no mean feet. These aquatic rodents can swim underwater for 15 minutes at a time and generally avoid humans. Eventually, however, they get hungry and while feasting on delicious spring vegetation this one did not seem to mind as I approached to within a few feet. Save for their very rat like tails, these little guys are actually quite cute when dry. Its generic solution or Kamagra tablets are invented to solve cialis mastercard these mentioned disorders in case of adults and children who are above ten years old. Physical causes for erectile dysfunction: buy generic viagra In most of the pharmacies. Erectile Dysfunction (ED) is a common sexual disorder characterized by the inability to attain and sustain an erection. cheap generic tadalafil In this manner, it hurts a relationship and brings their life tasteless. free generic viagra

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This one was about 24 inches long with half of that being tail. They are often mistaken for beavers but are actually much smaller. I spent about 20 minutes working for this closeup which would have been substantially better had I thought to bring my flash with me. This was an unplanned visit to Great Meadows on my commute home so I had to make due with available light and the equipment at hand.