22 Years

Cool night air made for perfect camping weather. Maya and I were quite cozy in our down sleeping bags and two person tent. We enjoyed a hearty breakfast in the nearby town of Jaffrey before embarking on a kayaking tour of the Contoocook Lake and River. Maya can be seen above just barely able to paddle underneath the Monadnock Branch Rail Trail. I had to resort to a Limbo style maneuver and had an even tighter clearance.

This is without a doubt my favorite time of year in New England. Everywhere you turn the colors of autumn cover the landscape and in our case the waterscape as well. I never take for granted the beauty which surrounds us and sharing the experience with Maya is all that a father could ask for. We covered about 4 miles on the water but a very serious headwind on our return translated to about 6 miles of paddling. Maya put ashore on what could easily be the state’s tiniest island and relaxed after a full morning on the water. From this vantage point she took a photo of me which I thought she did a very nice job of framing. We returned to Concord by mid afternoon as the perfect weather gave way to overcast skies and the threat of rain.

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Twenty two years ago, on a similarly spectacular fall day, I married Jeanine at our home in Fishers, Indiana. Our ceremony was held outdoors among massive beech trees with nature as our cathedral. We celebrated our anniversary this evening in the company of Maya and my sister Alissa and her two children, Rachel and Johnnie, at the Petit Robert Bistro in Needham. An exquisite finish to an exceptional day. My only wish now is for another 22 years with the woman I love.