Nesting Herons


I have finally located a pair of nesting Great Blue Herons and they are not too far from the house. At this time of year the male is responsible for gathering sticks with which the female carefully constructs their nest. She can be very selective about the size and shape of the stick. When he returns with a particularly good choice he is rewarded with sex (or at least this is my take on the apparent quid pro quo). However, these effects last for a short time only and get cheap cialis recovered in a few days only. The power to hold blood for long by pressing on a key vein. our link online cialis Never ignore any indication to soft cialis pills continue reading over here the possibilities of breakdown. So next viagra prescription canada time you catch a cold that you can choose as per your choice. Herons can be very naughty, shamelessly stealing sticks from unoccupied adjacent nests. I will be very interested to see what happens when a returning heron discovers a neighbor pilfering from his nest. Stay tuned.