If At First ……

Maya decided that she needed to get back on the horse, or rather a mountain bike, since the crash that badly injured her shoulder. It was meant to be a way of moving past any lingering fear she might be harboring since the traumatic event. Instead, she sustained an equally serious injury to her other shoulder and a nice set of bruises as well. Her brothers and parents who all gathered today for lunch at the Road House suggested to her that maybe mountain biking was not a good sport for her. On the bright side, she reports that she already knows all the right specialists to see and has satisfied her medical insurance deductible. I am beginning to regret the “brave Maya” training I did with her when she was a small child. She has turned out to be quite fearless but it remains to be seen what she learns from her injuries.

Here is some fatherly wisdom that may apply to this situation: If at first you don’t succeed then skydiving may not be for you.