2024 Romper

Nico has been named to the 2024 Range of Motion Project (ROMP) climb team for the second time. Each year, a select group of adaptive athletes, industry leaders, and disability rights advocates come together for the signature climb: an attempt on one of Ecuador’s highest peaks to symbolize what is possible when you have access to proper prosthetics care and to raise money for those who do not. To commemorate their 10th anniversary, this year’s team will split into groups to climb the highest three mountains in Ecuador (Chimborazo 20,549 ft, Cotopaxi 19,347 ft, and Cayambe 18,996 ft). Nico climbed Cayambe last year and is hoping he will be assigned to Chimborazo or Cotopaxi. This year’s goal is to raise $500,000 to fund prosthetic care for underserved communities. Should you wish to support Nico’s fundraising goal of $10,000 you can do so at this link by selecting his name from the list of climbers.

When Maya and I visited Ecuador in 2017 we climbed a small portion of Cotopaxi from the trailhead at 14,650 to the Refugio José Rivas at 15,953 feet. Getting to the summit looks to be an order of magnitude more difficult.