Covering Ground

Our landscaping plan for the River House is based on native species. Only recently did we learn that local insects and pollinators are not able to eat non-native plants. Absent a food source, their numbers dwindle which negatively impacts the entire ecosystem. A secondary goal was to create a pallet of colors and textures that change with the seasons and require little maintenance or watering. Much as I took charge of the design process for the house, Jeanine has taken the lead on the landscaping design. Installation of plant material in the front “yard” commenced today and it is exciting to watch as the transformation begins.

Jeanine adds: We will be planting many drought-resistant grasses that require no mowing. Grass seeds mixed with clover will assist with adding nitrogen to the ground to help recover post-construction. The only non-native plants added to the mix (requested by Carl ) are hostas which will line the front walkway – Elephant and Mouse-ear variety! To preserve the views of the river, only low-profile trees will be added, witch hazel, hazelnut, serviceberry, viburnum, and leucothoe (a broadleaf evergreen). In place of a typical suburban lawn, many different ground covers will be established (“barren strawberry”, sedges, creeping thyme). Like most features of the house, the plan is to enjoy the natural setting without adding maintenance.